On this page, I write blog posts and other articles that can help you to communicate more effectively. Among other things, you will find interesting communication tips, examples of how to deal with ‘communication problems’, suggestions on how to see things through a different ‘lens’ when faced with challenging situations.
I also offer a number of free downloads that show you how you can put what you learned here into practice.
The answer you get and the answer you want to hear.
Nobody is going to change how I feel about things!
Why it is better to stay curious
How do you change the puppet show of democracy?
Can you blame the hammer for bending the nail?
Your feelings matter! But do you know why?
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In-company training and accredited
company training
For companies, Govert offers customized training to suit your specific needs. Govert also provides accredited (in-company) training for mediators, interpreters, and other professionals.