How can we support people who have experienced a shocking experience as well as is possible and hold the necessary space to allow them to process the experience?
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Dealing with trauma

The idea of being a “victim” is, for people with a traumatic experience, often an obstacle for discussing it with others and seeking help. They feel treated as a “victim” instead of as a person who wants to return to normal life as quickly as possible. So, what is a good approach?

About this workshop

Some experiences are so intense and impactful that you can say that you have experienced a life-changing situation. Family and friends are expected to provide emotional care unless professional support is really necessary.

In practice, this often does not work or is insufficient. This is mainly due to the lack of empathic skills among those whom the affected person expects understanding and support from. That naturally is very grievous and can also lead to serious health problems. Consider, for example, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The experience and its consequences also affect the relationships within the family and the social environment. It is possible that the affected person is no longer able to work.

During this training, you will learn more about the consequences of experiencing traumatizing events, how you can deal with them and how you can best support those who are affected.

The training helps you with:

  • development of your empathic skills
  • being able to offer (emotional) support to those affected
  • accelerating the recovery of the affected
  • the ability to preserve and improve the bond between the affected person and yourself

The training is practice-oriented and always consists of theory, followed by a demonstration, an exercise (individual, group or role-play) and ends with an evaluation. The goal is to develop basic skills and to inspire you to develop your own style that leads to a satisfying result for you and those involved.

For Whom

This training is for anyone who wants to improve their ability to support people who have experienced a shocking event. On top of that, you have a desire to expand your own empathic listening and speaking skills.

Your aim is to be better equipped if you would face such a situation or get better informed when you already are in one, for example as a caregiver.


Dealing with Trauma is a 2-day training. Each training day lasts from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This training may be given several times a year. When registering you indicate which start date you choose.

You can choose from the following start dates and locations:

At this moment, no date is available. Contact us to be kept informed.


For this training, you pay € 330,-. For this, you get extensive knowledge, insight and valuable exercises for two days, including coffee, tea, and lunch. At the end of the training, you will know how to best deal with trauma and best support people who are affected.

With the manual you receive, you will be able to go over the material at your leisure later.

This training is exempt from sales tax for training in The Netherlands. In Canada, GST will be added. Payment in instalments is possible. A € 30, – administration fee will be charged for this service. The first instalment must be paid before the start of the training and following instalments as per agreement. You pay the first instalment of 50% of the above amount € 165,00 + € 30,00 = € 195,00 via Creditcard, Paypal, e-transfer, or cheque after you have requested this service when you enroll and then will receive an additional invoice by email with the payment arrangement.

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